Making Travel Safer

A Plugin for EV Vehicles for monitoring and ensuring safety

What can DIYA SAATHI do?


The alarm button when pressed can alert all the co-passengers, driver and conductor. Immediate action can be taken and the passenger’s concern can be addressed.

Send current location

Long pressing the alarm button, will lead to sending the current location of the bus to the control room. Police can be informed and rescue operation can be initiated

Continuous Tracking

All the buses can be continuously tracked from control room. This can help improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the public transport system

QR code for Ride Sharing

While onboarding the bus, QR code present at the door can be scanned and the bus ride can be shared with the family and friends

Detect an Accident

The acceleromoter fitted in the device can help in detecting accidents. Rescue operations can be ensured quickly.

Monitor the Route

Geofencing facility in the device can help in sending notifications if the bus deviates from the path it is supposed to take.


  • An immediate rescue tool to safegaurd passengers 
  • Establish a system for reporting and investigating safety incidents
  • Increase transparency and accountability in the public transport sector

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